2025 Million Dollar Show Advance Form

PLEASE SUBMIT PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 7! We suggest having your tour manager or production manager fill this out. If you have any questions, please contact us below.

If you have any issues uploading attachments, you can email them to us separately! Please copy all emails listed below.

No backline is provided. Cartage deliveries at the Ryman will be accepted starting at 11 AM on show day.

The Raging Idiots house band consists of: drums, bass, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, keys, fiddle, and acoustic guitar.
Generally, artists play with our house band, similar to an Opry show. If you need to add additional instrumentation from your own band, let us know! We can add one to three players.

Stage Plot is linked here.

Friday, February 7 – advance form submission

Katelyn Smith, producer

Ryan Madora, musical director

Morgan Massengill, Bobby Bones management

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type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
We ask for this so Ryan can get in touch directly about arrangements, etc. Type N/A if not applicable.
type NA if not applicable
type NA if not applicable
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Will you be using tracks? If so, please email separately to contacts listed above due to size limits. *
Katelyn Smith - vocals
Ryan Madora - bass etc.
Please denote which songs you would like to use the Raging Idiots house band for. The house band includes bass, drums, electric guitar, fiddle, keys, and acoustic guitar.
Are you bringing your own engineers? IEMs v. Wedges? Anything else?
Rehearsal is TENTATIVELY scheduled for Sunday, March 2 after 3 PM. Your artist & MD may attend. Should we try to build you into the schedule?
Know that backstage space is EXTREMELY limited due to the number of artists performing. Please list only necessary crew/personnel & their titles and include your artists' names as well. We reserve the right to cut this number down to minimum essential personnel only. Name & titles are required for all personnel. Please include everyone, including your artist and band members.
Do you expect the artist to attend soundcheck on show day? *
Provide name and address.